Help Laura Donation Drive!

By CLR Events (other events)

Saturday, June 23 2018 6:30 PM 11:00 PM GMT

White Men Can't Funk + Guests
Newbold Rugby Club
£10 Advance £15 On the door - Under 16's Free Entry
23rd June 2018

Under 16's must be accompanied by a responcable adult.

Hi there and thanks for stopping by my page im having to ask for help for treatment that could halt the progression of the cruel disease that has been attacking my body for the past 7 years 
My symptoms include dizziness (the gravity defying, room-spinning sort), itching (skin-scratched-raw itching), numbness (the can’t feel your feet and legs, hands, arms, neck, head, face or body type), forgetfulness (brain fog: i can’t think straight, speak straight – in fact i can no lonfer even talk and headaches  (the banging your head against a wall type) and the pain. Every. Single. Day.

MS is an autoimmune disease my immunune system, which normally helps to fight off infections, is attacking my body. It thinks the myelin (a substance that protects the nerve fibres in the central nervous system) shouldn’t be there and so it attacks it, stripping it from the nerve fibres leaving “scars” along them.